Many schools have a dress code which requires a school logo embroidered shirt or a uniform, as is the case with vocational and parochial schools.
In these cases, Charity Newsies will provide a shirt voucher or a uniform voucher, as needed This is a single use voucher issued in the name of the child and school provided. It is non-transferable and must be used by the end of the calendar year.
The voucher is for a fixed amount. If the clothing is less than the amount of the voucher, no change is given. If the clothing is more than the amount, the applicant is required to pay the difference.
For those students attending a vocational school these uniform requests should go thru the student Guidance Counselor or their trade teacher. Where applicable, students can receive the proper uniform for their field of study, such as medical scrubs, lab coats, smocks, aprons, chef coats, coveralls, and mechanic work shirts.
These vouchers are valid for in-person use (not on-line) at:
Education Apparel – 3906 Brown Park Drive, Hilliard, 614-876-3030
The School Closet & School Days – 4507 North High St – 614-262-6016 or 73 North Stygler Rd., Gahanna 614-476-4104
Schoolbelles (location varies yearly)